Editor: Dr. Craig Harding jcharding@shaw.ca
One World in Dialogue is a professional journal for social studies teachers. It is published by the Social Studies Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association to promote the professional development of social studies educators, stimulate thinking, and explore new ideas.
2023 Vol 7 No.1 Individual Articles:
Message from the Editor-- Craig Harding
A Clash of Interests: Neoliberalism in Education-- Charlene Creamer Melanson
Analysis and Critique of the Manitoba Social Studies Curriculum-- Paula Bye
A Case for Holocaust Education in Alberta Schools Through the Lens of Citizenship Education-- Jennifer Magalnick
Correlating Career Education with a Globalizing World: Teaching Advanced Career-Planning Skills in Grade 10 Social Studies-- Andrew Gilbert, Kerry B Bernes, Jonathan L Roque, Annelise M Lyseng and Karissa L Horne
CALL for Papers for One World in Dialogue
We welcome submissions from classroom teachers, graduate students, academics, and others in our communities.
We accept papers for review on a continuing basis. Contact Dr. Craig Harding for more information.
A huge thank you to Dr. Craig Harding for putting together our publication. We cannot fathom the volunteer hours put in to do this while still being dedicated to the classroom each and every day.
As well, thank you to those who share their writings with us. Educators are made better by your thoughts and work.
V6N1 June 2021

2021 Vol 6 No.1 Individual Articles:
Message from the Editor-- Craig Harding
A Meditation on Current and Future Trajectories for Elementary Social Studies in Alberta-- David Scott
Reimagining Schools to Be Places of Deeper Learning-- Jacqui Kusnick
Smashing Down “Old” Ways of Thinking: Uncritical Critical Thinking in Teacher Education-- Matthew Etherington
Responding to the Ravages of COVID-19: Dialogic Encounters in/as Pedagogy in Social Studies-- Tim Skuce and Shannon D M Moore
The Importance of Bridging Creativity and Critical Thinking-- Anasthasia Filion More
2019 Volume 5 No. 1
2019 Vol 5 No.1 Individual Articles:
A Message from the Editor-- Craig Harding
A Long Way to Go for a Short Drink of Water-- Kent den Heyer
Understanding Citizenship and Conflict: Why Alberta’s New Social Studies Curriculum Can’t Forget About Religion -- Margie Patrick
Textbook Study in Villainification: The Need to Renovate our Depictions of Villains -- Cathryn van Kessel and Rebeka Plots
Reflections on the Practice of Historical Thinking -- David Weisgerber
One World in Dialogue Review Board

2016 Vol 4 No.1
Individual Articles:
A Message from the Editor -- Craig Harding
Doing Better Than Just FallingForward: Linking Subject Matter with Explicit Futures Thinking -- Kent den Heyer
How Standardization and Behaviourism Foster Inequality in Public Education: A Comparative Experience -- Teresa Pigot-Upshall
Authentic Learning in the Social Studies Classroom: Connecting Globally -- Jennifer Lock and Sandra Duggleby
Citizenship, Human Rights, and Social Justice: Addressing Core Concepts Through an Examination of Japanese Canadian Internment and Deportation During World War II -- D J Timmons
Reconciliation Quilt Project -- Suzanne Williamson
Introducing the Members of the One World in Dialogue Review Board