Editor: Sana Waseem Please feel free to contact Sana regarding our Focus Newsletter. swaseem.edu@gmail.com

Our Focus Newsletter is published by the Social Studies Council, and is designed to keep our members up to date with Social Studies education in Alberta.

Call For Submissions & Nominations 
Have an interesting idea in teaching that you’d like to share with fellow Social Studies Educators? Or, do you know of someone who should be featured for the great work they are doing in their classrooms? Why not submit your idea to the Focus newsletter, or nominate that amazing teacher? All you have to do is email atasscfocus@gmail.com with your submission or nomination!

Deadline to be considered for our Spring 2023 Edition: March 1st, 2023
Deadline to be considered for our Fall 2023 Edition: August 1st, 2023


Online Editions

Summer 2024 Focus Newsletter Vol 52,  No 1


Topics include:

* Past President's Message— Social Studies Educators Network of Canada (SSENC) 
* From the Editor 
* Who’s Who on the SSC Executive 
* Thinking Historically Update 
* Save the Date! 
* What's in the Library? 
* Good Social Studies

Summer 2023 Focus Newsletter Vol 51,  No 2

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

Topics include:

 * Past President's Message— The Flipped Classroom

 * From the Editor

 * Who’s Who on the SSC Executive

 * Two SSC Executive Members Receive Awards

 * AI Salon Event

  * What Do You Know About the ATA Library?

 * Thinking Historically Update

 * Valour Canada Update


Fall 2022 Focus Newsletter Vol 51,  No 1

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

Topics include:

*Incoming President's Message

*Outgoing President's Message

* From the Editor

*Get to know your Council Executive

*CTRL-F: Find the Facts

 *Valour Canada: Educational Resources on Canadian Military History

* In Memory of Darren Lund


Winter 2022 Focus Newsletter Vol 50,  No 1

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

Topics include:

*Letter from the Editor

*Get to Know Your Council Executive

*Regional Updates

*Unignorable Poverty Awareness with Skateboards

*Social Studies Teacher Spotlight: Carmen Giancarlo




 Winter 2020 Focus Newsletter Vol 49,  No 1

 (Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

Topics include:

 *Letter from the Editor

 *Award Recognitions

 *I Belong Bags: Returning Dignity to Children in Crisis in Alberta

 *Write for Rights


 *Decolonization Skateboards


 Spring 2020 Focus Newsletter (Vol 48 No. 2)

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

 Topics include:

* Letter from the Editor * 2020 Conference Details * Regional Updates * 2019 Miniconference in Review * A Peek Inside the Teachers Institute * An Ethics Bowl for Alberta High Schools * Historical Thinking Summer Institute * Screaming for Change: The Power of Protest Songs * Congratulations




Past Editions

Fall 2019 Focus Newsletter (Vol 48 No. 1)

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

Topics include:  *President's Message
 * Letter From the Editor (Congrats Sana)
 * Activism and Art: Social Justice Education Through Street Art
 * To the Election and Beyond!
 * Are You Smarter than a Twelfth Grader?
 * Regional Updates
 * New Executive Members


Spring 2019 Focus Newsletter (Vol 47 No.1)

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

  Topics include:
* President and Past President Messages
 * Final message from outgoing editor David Scott
 * Conference 2018 Highlights
 * Regional Updates
 * The World Remembers
 *Alberta Education Update on Curriculum Redesign
 *The Constitution Express and Wizards: New Elections Canada Resources

 Fall 2018 Focus Newsletter (Vol 46. No.1)

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

  Topics include:
 * President's Message
 * Message From the President Elect
 * From the Editor
 * Regional Updates
 * The World Remembers
 * Alberta Education Update on Curriculum Redesign
 * Publishing Under the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)


November 2017 Focus Newsletter (Vol 45. No.1)

(Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

  Topics include:
 * Do You Need More Social Studies in Your Life? Get Involved at the Regional Level! 
 * Wealth of Resources for Social Studies Educators 
 * An Update on the Curriculum Renewal Process, from Alberta Education 
 * A Conversation with Lindsay Gibson on the Curriculum Renewal Process 




Mar. 2017 Focus Newsletter (Vol 44. No. 2) (Click on the Newsletter image below to view)


 Topics include:

* President's Message * Editor's Note * Social Studies Council Awards * Teaching For Diversity * Exploring Possibilities For The Flipped Classroom


Mar. 2016 Focus Newsletter (Vol 43. No. 4) (Click on the Newsletter image below to view)

 Topics include:

* President's Message * Editor's Note * Alberta Social Studies Council Conference 2016 Update * Social Studies Survey * Quilts of Reconciliation * Navigating Two Curriculum Worlds as a Preservice Teacher * Interview: Dwayne Donald

Oct. 2015 Focus Newsletter (Vol 43. No. 3) (Click on the Newsletter image below to view)  Topics include: * President's Message * Contribute to One World in Dialogue * From the Editor * In Memory of Glyn Hughes * LearnAlberta.ca: A Wealth of Resources for Social Studies Educators * Teaching Diversity in the K–12 Social Studies Classroom: A Conversation with Carla Peck


May 2015 Focus Newsletter (Vol 43. No. 2) (Click on the Newsletter image below to view)    Topics include:  *Robert Thirsk High School Grade 10 Social Action Project  *Fostering Collaboration Through the Centre for Global   Education  *Galileo Educational Network Collaborates with the CBE  *The Changing Landscape of Assessment in Alberta:  An Interview with Kent den Heyer  *URLs of Interest

Dec. 2014 Focus Newsletter (Vol. 43 No. 1)
(Click on the Newsletter image below to view) 

    Topics include:

    *Forum for Young Canadians
     *2014 Conference Wrap Up
     *Regional Reports
     *Alberta Teachers on a Summer Study Tour
     *Governor-General's History Award
     *Social Studies Resources