Central Alberta
The Central Alberta Regional Council is looking forward to a busy year again working with our educators on new curricular items. Elizabeth Fargey is continuing as President and Sharon Richter is our new Treasurer. As well, we have special invites out to our Regional Consortium, museums, and school boards to attend our meetings. All of us enjoy getting together whether it's for ice cream, coffee or a home cooked meal.
This year we are planning to be involved in sessions relating to FNMI Protocol and exam building for grade 6 and 9. As well we will co-host museum nights. Part of this plan is to work closely with CARC (Regional Consortium), the Red Deer and District Museum, and our school boards in planning these Professional Development opportunities. The specialist council is looking to support those SSATA members who wish to participate in these events. We are going to try and take the session into the region rather than having them all in Red Deer.
We will award our first “Central Alberta Award to a Friend” in Rod Trentham who has worked with the Social Studies Council since the first Central Alberta Heritage Fair (now Historica School Fairs) in 1995.
Our other goal is to continue our involvement in the community. We will continue to support the Central Alberta Historica School Fairs with volunteering and funding support. As well, the Red Deer Historical Society puts on Red Deer Historic week which we will be looking at supporting as well.
As always we are looking for educators that want to make a difference in their Social Studies classroom and community. Come join us at our meetings to see what our regional does. Contact Elizabeth Fargey at efargey@rdpsd.ab.ca for more information.