Who is on your Council??
Social Studies Council
Council Executive/Comité exécutif
The Full Board comprises of Council executive as well as:
Past President: Aaron Stout: aaron.stout@lethsd.ab.ca
President-Elect: TBD
2014 Conference Co-Chairs
Mark Boschee: markboschee@gmail.com
Nicole Freel: nicole.freel@horizon.ab.ca
Calgary Regional President: Dan Zeeb daniel.zeeb@cssd.ab.ca
Red Deer Regional President: OPEN
Interim Contacts:
Nathan Good nathan.good@rdpsd.ab.ca
Bryan Burley bryan.burley@rdpsd.ab.ca
Southern Regional President: Matt Strikwerda Matt.Strikwerda@lethsd.ab.ca
Northern Regional President: Andrea Willman andrea_colleen@hotmail.com
Edmonton Regional President: Joy Wicks joywicks@shaw.ca
Alberta Education Rep: Janis Irwin janis.irwin@gov.ab.ca
University Liaison: Carla Peck carla.peck@ualberta.ca
Web/Communications Manager: Bryan Burley: atasocialstudies@gmail.com
Executive Roles
Elections for our executive committee are held annually at our general meeting. If you are interested in serving, contact us for more details.
Executive Committee:
The officers of the council executive committee shall consist of a president, a president-elect, a secretary and a treasurer, elected for one-year terms. The executive committee shall also include the past-president and an ATA staff officer as voting members. The conference director and the PEC liaison member, while members of the executive committee, shall not be voting members of the executive committee.
Council Board:
The council board shall consist of all members of the executive committee plus all regional presidents and regional contact members. These members, with the exception of the conference director, the PEC liaison member and the regional contact members, shall be voting members of the council board. The council board shall also consist of the editor of Focus, the editor of One World, the manager of the website, the Heritage Fair liaison, one representative from le Conseil français, one representative from the Ministry of Learning, one representative from the Alberta universities and the chairs of ad hoc committees. This latter group shall be nonvoting members of the council board. In the instance that a regional president cannot attend a council board meeting, that regional may send, at provincial council expense, an alternate regional executive member who may vote.