Thank you for visiting us! 

     ATA Specialist Council Conference Grants ($500)


The ATA Educational Trust supports ATA members in costs to provincial specialist council conferences such as our Social Studies Conference. 

Link: Council Conference Grants



Sept 2024


ATASSC AGM Announcement

We are hosting our 2024 AGM at our Annual Conference in Banff.  This will occur on Friday, Oct 18th, at 12 noon.  We hope to see many of our membership there.

July 2024

Summer 2024 Focus Newsletter Vol 52,  No 1


March 2024

Join us in Banff


Conference Site

November 2023

ATASSC Southern Regional in the News

Teachers Prep for Remembrance Day lessons at Military Museum


September 2023


ATASSC Annual General Meeting 2023
Saturday, October 21st,12pm

We are hosting our AGM virtually and in person this year.  If you wish to attend in person, we will be at the ATA Barnett House location.  If you wish to participate virtually, please contact Shelley, your ATASSC
For all those in attendance, two $25 gift cards will be drawn. See you there? Please fill out this Google Form to register.

July 2023

Focus Newsletter  

New Edition V51 N2

Summer 2023


Now Available!



June 2023

One World in Dialogue  

New Edition V7N1

Now Available!!




February 2023

Member Recognition
Two of our members were recently recognized 
Carla Peck, our ATASSC University liaison recently received the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Award.
Melissa McQueen, our ATASSC Central Alberta Regional President, recently recently received the Prime Minister's Certificate of Achievement.
Congratulations to you both!!




January 2023

Focus Newsletter
Call For Submissions & Nominations 
Have an interesting idea in teaching that you’d like to share with fellow Social Studies Educators? Or, do you know of someone who should be featured for the great work they are doing in their classrooms? Why not submit your idea to the Focus newsletter, or nominate that amazing teacher? All you have to do is email with your submission or nomination!

Deadline to be considered for our Spring 2023 Edition: March 1st, 2023
Deadline to be considered for our Fall 2023 Edition: August 1st, 2023

October 2022

Focus Newsletter

Vol 51,  Issue 1 - Fall 2022

Your ATASSC has published another edition of our Focus Newsletter. Check it out!


Sept 2022 

Join Us in Banff!!

Early bird Registration Extended

to Friday, Sept 30th.


May 2022


April 2022


February 2022

Focus Newsletter

Vol 50,  Issue 1 - Winter 2022

Your ATASSC has published another edition of our Focus Newsletter. Check it out!


February 2022



November 2021

ALL Recordings Now Available

from the

National Conference For Social Studies



November 2021


October 2021

Our ATASSC Annual General Meeting


October 2021

National Conference For Social Studies



June 2021

One World in Dialogue 2021 V6 No1 is now available.

  2021 Vol 6 No.1 Individual Articles:

 Message from the Editor-- Craig Harding

 A Meditation on Current and Future   Trajectories for Elementary Social Studies      in   Alberta-- David Scott

 Reimagining Schools to Be Places of   Deeper   Learning-- Jacqui Kusnick

 Smashing Down “Old” Ways of Thinking:   Uncritical Critical Thinking in Teacher   Education-- Matthew Etherington

 Responding to the Ravages of COVID-19:   Dialogic Encounters in/as Pedagogy in   Social   Studies-- Tim Skuce and Shannon   D  M Moore

 The Importance of Bridging Creativity and   Critical Thinking-- Anasthasia Filion More


March 2021

Elections Canada Webinars

Please join colleagues in webinars brought to you by the ATASSC and Elections Canada. Webinars start March 30th so register now.

Each will be presented separately in English and French

1. Digital Skills for Democracy / Démocratie et compétences numériques

2. Voting Rights through Time / Le droit de vote au fil du temps

3. Civic Action: Then and Now / Action citoyenne, d’hier à aujourd’hui

4. Mapping Electoral Districts / Cartographie des circonscriptions électorales


For Webinar Registration/Details go to:

1. Webinar Descriptions

2. Descriptions des Webinaires

Elections Canada logo 

January 2021

Focus Newsletter

Vol 49,  Issue 1 - Winter 2020

Your ATASSC has published another edition of our Focus Newsletter. Check it out!



December 2020

Your ATASSC Annual General Meeting

 Your ATASSC Annual General meeting will be hosted on Zoom beginning at 1pm, Saturday, January 30th.  We do better with an active membership.

To participate in the AGM please complete the Google Form below.  

Thank you in advance.


November 2020

Good Social Studies... Social Media Campaign

We believe in Good Social Studies. Help us share our vision.


Daily posts (7am) on Twitter, Facebook. and now Instagram.

Starts Nov 10th and goes 4 weeks. Check it out:



October 2020

Social Studies Virtual Conference Opportunity


The ATASSC will not be holding a conference this year due to COVID 19 but we are still working to provide you with professional development.  

We are pleased to offer all our members the opportunity to participate with social studies teachers from across the country in a virtual conference along with partner organizations.  

The Teaching History and Social Studies in the Time of COVID event will take place on Friday, October 23rd, 2020. The recorded sessions will be available for 90 days after the event for all registrants.   

The Agenda includes a keynote, The Honourable Jean Augustine, and presenters from across Canada. As well, as a number of exhibits.  


The council has allocated some funds to cover the cost of the conference registration and sub costs for the day for council members.

If you are interested in participating in this conference please contact our president, Jennifer Williams (, about how to participate.

Please make contact with Jennifer by this Friday, Oct. 9th, 2020

Sept 2020

ATASSC Handbook/Constitution UPDATE


August 2020

Focus Newsletter- New Edition

Your ATASSC has published another edition of our Focus Newsletter. Volume 48 Issue 2 is available here. Check it out!


June 2020

Provincial Conference 2020 POSTPONED

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation your ATASSC has decided to postpone the October 2020 conference to October 2021. For further information or questions please go to our conference page.

June 2020

Your ATASSC Statement on Anti-Racist Education and #BlackLivesMatter


June 2020 ATA Response to Bill 15

Your ATASSC supports the ATA response to Bill 15 The Choice in Education Act. For up-to-date information go to the main ATA website.


 December 2019

One World in Dialogue 2019 V5 No1 is now available.


October 2019

The Fall 2019 Focus Newsletter is here!


September 2019

2019 Condensed/Mini Conference: FACING THE FUTURE

Happening this October 18/19 in Airdrie. Will you be there?

This is the best Social Studies focused PD you will get in Alberta. Check out the conference website for more information. 

As well, this will be an opportunity for all ATASSC members to participate in our Annual General Meeting. Your voice is important to the goals of the council.

Facing The Future Conference

 February 2019

Black History Month

On January 31, 2017, Premier Rachel Notley officially proclaimed February as Black History Month in Alberta. To help teachers, students, and families learn about, recognize, and honour the histories, cultures, and contributions of people of Caribbean and African descent, Alberta Education has posted online content of teaching and learning resources that highlights “Black History Month 2019: Stories of Courage” on its website.

The content can be viewed in English and French at the following links:

English: Black History Month 2019: Stories of Courage; and

French: Le Mois de l'histoire des Noirs 2019: Récits de courage

November 2018

Your ATASSC Constitution

The constitution we use to guide our council has been amended after consultation with our membership. At our annual AGM in October 2018, we provided our membership with the opportunity to examine and amend components of the constitution.



September 2018 


2018 ATASSC Celebration and AGM

We are celebrating Social Studies Friday, October 12, 2018, at our conference in Edmonton.  Starting time will be 5 pm.

All ATASSC Members are encouraged to attend. We will be providing wine and cheese (and other light food) while we enjoy networking with Social Studies educators, present ATASSC Awards, and host a short AGM.

At the Annual General Meeting, the Council’s Board will be proposing a number of amendments to the SSC’s constitution. All of these proposed amendments can be found highlighted in red throughout the document found in the link below. (then provide the link below) Each of these amendments is subject to ratification by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the AGM. 

Proposed Amendments


June 2018



(Click on image to see larger version) 

March 2018

2018 Grounded in Truth: Soaring With Knowledge 

We are pleased to announce that your ATASSC is co-hosting our conference with the ATA FNMI Education Council (FNMIEC).

October 11 to 13, 2018

River Cree Resort, Edmonton, AB.

Further Information: Grounded in Truth: Soaring With Knowledge

November 2017

Our newest Focus Newsletter is now available.

(Volume 45 No. 1,  November 2017). Thanks again to David Scott and all contributors. Take a read and enjoy.


September 2017

Annual General Meeting 

Now that we are having our conferences every 2nd year (even years) we will be hosting our AGM in conjunction with the ATA First Nations Metis Inuit Education Council Conference in Calgary (Deerfoot Inn). The date of our AGM is November 18, 2017, at noon.  

Please join us. Register at ATASSC AGM.

We also encourage our members to attend the FNMIEC Conference "Soaring With Knowledge"


June 2017

Updated ATASSC Constitution now available. (click the box)




April 2017

100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge


Alberta Education has a collection of resources and information that may be useful in your classroom. Check it out.


April 2017 

Who would you nominate?

The Governor General's History Awards for Excellence in Teaching

The Teaching Award strives to recognize excellence in the teaching of Canadian history, to inspire teachers and schools to strive for excellence in Canadian history education and to promote and facilitate the sharing of best practices and innovative teaching ideas within Canada’s teaching community. The deadline is April 24th, 2017. Read the Rules and Criteria

The Governor General's History Awards for Excellence in Community Programming

The Community Programming Award aims to inspire small, volunteer-led community organizations in the creation of innovative programming that promotes and encourages community engagement in history. The deadline is June 30, 2017. Read the Rules and Criteria

The Governor General’s History Awards are administered by Canada’s History Society. If you have any questions or concerns relating to the awards program or the submissions process, please contact Joanne DeCosse at

March 2017

Our newest Focus Newsletter is now available. (Volume 44 No. 2,  Winter 2017). Thanks again to David Scott and all contributors. Take a read and enjoy.


Topics include:

  • President’s Message
  • Editor’s Note
  • Social Studies Council Awards
  • Teaching For Diversity
  • Exploring Possibilities for the Flipped Classroom

March 2017

Historical Thinking Summer Institute

Many Alberta Social Studies educators have participated in this PD opportunity, finding it to be an excellent opportunity for learning and collaboration. 

Monday, July 17 to Saturday, July 22, 2017

Further information at:


January 2017

Reconsidering Social Studies Education

Symposium at Congress considers the future of the subject in the classroom

On June 1, 2016, the Werklund School of Education, in partnership with the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education and the Alberta Teachers’ Association, hosted an evening symposium at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning entitled Reexamining Foundations in Social Studies Education in Canada: An Invitation to Dialogue.

Audio recordings of the event are now available.  Check it out!

link: Werklund School of Education

January 2017

Our Newest One World in Dialogue: A Peer Reviewed Journal is now available. Check it out!


October 2016

The Future of Social Studies – The Voices of Alberta Teachers

The public release on Friday, October 14 of the research study The Future of Social Studies – The Voices of Alberta Teachers is the culmination of the work of  a research team led by Larry Booi and Hans Smits who developed and administered a survey of almost 500 social studies teachers across the province in the spring of 2015. 

Links to further info:

Join the discussion in these videos:

Time for Action: Next steps and implications for curriculum change

A discussion with Hans Smits (emeritus, University of Calgary), Carla Peck, University of Alberta; John Tidswell (President of The Social Studies Council and Robert Twerdoclib (Provincial Executive Council liaison to the Social Studies Council).

Thank you to J.C. Couture, Hans Smits, and Larry Booi for assisting the ATASSC in this major endeavour.

 Website of the Month

ATASSC Provincial Conference

Oct. 17-19, 2024

Schedule, registration, hotel info


Video of the Month

ATASSC Twitter Feed

Unable to retrieve tweets for atassc.